Ocean Nutrition: Baby Brine Shrimp Eggs

Our Artemia Cysts, also known as Brine Shrimp Eggs, have a hatching percentage of more than 90%. They will hatch into Artemia nauplii (baby brine shrimp) in 18 to 30 hours. Artemia nauplii are known to be the ideal live food for the first stages of many marine and freshwater tropical fish and for many invertebrates.

Artemia Cysts, also known as Brine Shrimp Eggs, have a hatching percentage of more than 90%. They will hatch into Artemia nauplii (baby brine shrimp) in 18 to 30 hours. Artemia nauplii are known to be the ideal live food for the first stages of many marine and freshwater tropical fish and for many invertebrates.

  • 100% of the finest brine shrimp eggs from the Great Salt Lake!
  • Innovative Nitro Pack inner package assures a great hatch (> 90% hatching percentage).
  • Ideal for reef tanks and baby fish!

Brine Shrimp Eggs.

Did you know?
The new bread Artemia nauplii contain the natural carotenoid pigment canthaxanthine.

Could be used for these groups of fish:
Nano Reef,Dwarf Cichlids,Angels,Angels – Pygmy Angels,Livebearers,Shrimps,Pipefish,Shrimps,Damsels,South-American
Cichlids,Tetra’s,Seahorses,Rainbow Fish,Angels,Danio’s,Mandarins – Cardinals,Hawkfish,Victoria Cichlids,Cichlids,Soft
Corals,Razorfish,Invertebrates,Mollies,Discus,Gobies,Barbs,Discus – Angels,Blennies,Barbs – Tetra’s – Rasbora’s,Surgeonfish,Seahorses -
Razorfish,Mandarins,Hard Corals,Tanganyika Cichlids,Crustaceans,Anthias,Gobies – Blennies,Rasbora’s,Crabs,Cardinals,Shrimps – Crayfish -
Crabs,Malawi Cichlids,Damsels – Anthias,Clownfish,Butterflyfish,Killifish,Crayfish,Guppies,Platies,Pygmy Angels,Swordtails


What are the optimal conditions for hatching Ocean Nutrition artemia cysts?

Artemia cysts should be stored in cool dry place prior and after opening the packaging. Standard guidelines are: * Maximum 2 gram of dry cysts per liter, * pH > 8, * Salinity between 25 and 35 gram per liter, * A lot of aeration and light, * Water temperature between 26 and 29 °C (do not exceed 30 °C°). It is important to keep the water properly buffered in order to maintain a high pH. Make sure that all equipment is properly cleaned to increase your chances of success.