The SKINNY PIG is a guinea pig. The big difference is that it has almost no hair, except for some on its nose area and legs.
It looks like an almost perfectly clean shaven guinea pig. While some people may be put off by its baldness, the SKINNY PIG, often referred to as the hairless guinea pig is adored by an increasing number of pet lovers all over the world. It has become popular in Europe and the United States.
The modern day SKINNY PIG is a cross between the haired variety and a hairless laboratory strain. Guinea pigs have always been used in experiments in the laboratory for research work.
It was introduced recently in Singapore and is now available at Petmart Pte Ltd and some other pet stores. Like the haired variety, the SKINNY PIGS can be bred at home.
Just like the regular haired guinea pigs, they make good pets with almost the same requirements in food and housing. But because the SKINNY PIG’s body is without hair, it is more vulnerable to temperature extremes. You should therefore not expose it to direct sunlight.
They eat the same food as the haired variety. Staple diet is Timothy hay, for adults, and Alfalfa grass, which is higher in calcium, for youngsters. They also eat fruits and vegetables like the haired variety. They need vitamin C too.
Special commercial diet for SKINNY PIGS is available at Petmart Pte Ltd. Tel: 94500947
More information on the SKINNY PIG is available from our shop or you can get them from the internet.