Waterlife Sterazin

Treats gill and body flukes which cause fish to flick and scrape. Other symptons include ‘clubbed’ gills , cloudy patches on fins/body, ‘yawning’ and lethargy. Also treats internal worms.


Treats gill and body flukes which cause fish to flick and scrape. Other symptons include ‘clubbed’ gills , cloudy patches on fins/body, ‘yawning’ and lethargy. Also treats internal worms.

For use in seawater, tropical freshwater and coldwater aquaria.

Do not use in aquariums containing crustaceans, echinoderms, rays, seawater sharks, piranha, sturgeon, sterlets or related species. (With these species, use Waterlife’s Paragon)

100ml / 5 day course for 200 litres

250ml / 5 day course for 500 litres

500ml / 5 day course for 2997 litres