Lighting in Horticulture

Lighting in Horticulture
In recent years, there has been a leap forward in knowledge about the beneficial effects of artificial lighting on plant growth and yields.

Also, in combination with new growing techniques, there have been new developments in horticulture lamps, control gear, reflectors and light balancers.

Aftificial lighting can be applied in horticulture in various ways: to supplement daylight in greehouses to increase the irradiance for photosynthesis; to increase the effective daylength or decrease the period of darkness (photoperiodism); as a substitute for daylight in grow rooms where plants are grown under tightly controlled environmental conditions; and as a substitute for daylight in laboratories where plants are grown for research purposes.

For commercial growers, home gardeners and plant researchers, artificial lighting offers total control of the growing season, allowing crops to be grown out of season and on schedule.

This book provides a general knowldge of light and the photobiological processes that take place in plants, and the lighting technology now available to stimulate or control those growth processes.
LIGHTING IN HORTICULTURE examines in detail those light processes and explains how to measure light. It also outlines the various horticulture lamps, control gear, reflectors, and light balancers available on the market that can be used to increase plant growth and yields and includes the basics for designing s simple lighting layout for greenhuse and grow rooms.

Published by Casper Publications, Australia
Author: Steven Carruthers
Soft cover: 56 pages

Available at Petmart Pte Ltd: Tel: 6289647

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